Volunteer Spotlight on: Kathleen Devlin

Kathleen is one of our Lead Volunteers and along with co-volunteer, Angela Stout, runs our Craft, Create and Catch-up group. This is a social community that uses ancient techniques to create crafts and materials which are then used throughout Jarrow Hall museum and grounds. Kathleen guides the group on leather-working, embroidery, textile dying and creation, […]

NEW! Jarrow Hall Education Group Membership

Interior of the reconstructed Anglo-Saxon Hall at Jarrow Hall

Education group membership is specially designed to allow education groups entry to Jarrow Hall during normal opening hours for self-led visits to our museum, reconstructed buildings and Anglo-Saxon Farm. Number on roll Rate (inclusive of VAT) Number on roll Rate (inclusive of VAT) Under 50 pupils £50.00 51-100 pupils £80.00 101-500 pupils £120.00 Over 500 […]

Regia Anglorum at Jarrow Hall

Anglo-Saxon battle kit

Renowned Living History group Regia Anglorum has been re-creating Early Medieval life for decades and their Northumbrian specialists, Sancte Cuthbertes Land, are joining us for a full weekend of demonstrations and interactions. These weekends typically sell out quickly so please get your ticket in advance. For Saturday 26th March, book entry via this link. We […]

Sunday Morning Farm Club

Primitive goats at Jarrow Hall

Guided by our team, young farmers will get behind the scenes, meet new friends, discover life on the farm and learn about the animals who live at Jarrow Hall. Suitable for ages 8 – 12.

Saturday Morning Farm Club

Primitive goats at Jarrow Hall

Guided by our team, young farmers will get behind the scenes, meet new friends, discover life on the farm and learn about the animals who live at Jarrow Hall. Suitable for ages 8 – 12. Numbers are strictly limited. You can book for one or all of the sessions. At £5, our team will supervise […]

Animal Care Badges (Easter) 2022

Guided by our team, young farmers will get behind the scenes, meet new friends, discover life on the farm and learn about the skills and responsibilities on the farm at Jarrow Hall. Suitable for ages 8 – 12. Numbers are strictly limited.

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