This is a repeating event

Saturday Sneak Peeks

25marAll DaySaturday Sneak PeeksHeritage Skills Demonstrations

Event Details

Free with ticket entry!

Part of our Heritage Skills project, on Saturday volunteers will be practising their new skills down the village where the public has the chance to ask staff what they are up to and find out how to get involved!

What the volunteers are working on will change every week so watch social media if you want to see a particular one.

Volunteers practice their skills down the ‘village’, helping bring it to life.

This is a chance for the public to ask their questions and discover the project, see the transformations we make to the buildings as they happen!

Later in the year, these Sneak Peaks will have the option of the public having a go too so watch this space!

Jarrow Hall Anglo-Saxon Farm, Village and Bede Museum, NE32 3DY



March 25, 2023 All Day(GMT+00:00)

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